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Sense Cables

  • Cable FG-ACS détecteur de fuites

Acids Sense Cables


  • Compatible with Digital & Analog Systems
  • Detects Acids & Corrosive Chemical Liquids
  • Pre-connected in Standard Lengths

The FG-ACS sense cable has a spliced junction with a length of 3.5 metres of jumper cable and an end termination. It detects the presence of acids and corrosive chemical liquids at any point along its length. The FG-ACS sense cable is designed to be connected to analog alarms (FG-ALS8, FG-ALS4 & FG-A) or digital units (FG-NET, FG-BBOX & FG-SYS, via diversion box FG-DTCS). It detects and locates the leak when connected with locating units.

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