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Liquid Leak Detection System by TTK

TTK Digital Liquid Leak Detection Systems are based on a range of addressable sense cables and monitoring panels.

TTK Liquid Leak Detection System propose 3 kinds of sense cables to detect different liquids:

FG-EC - cable détecteur de fuites d'eau

FG-AC - cable détecteur de fuites d'acide

All above sense cables detect and pinpoint the location of the liquids leaks at any point along its length.

Each digital sense cable contains an embedded microprocessor, it intelligently monitors the cable status (normal, leak or cable break), it provides continuous real-time communication to the TTK digital units. The sense cable becomes thus an "intelligent" and “addressable”.



Liquid Leak Detection

  • The TTK Leak Detection Systems include four main types of monitoring panels:

FG-NET Digital Leak Detection Control Panel with Touchscreen (up to 500 lengths of sense cables, integrated monitoring software, IP/MODBUS, drive LAN-connected devices);

FG-SYS Digital Leak Detection Control Panel (up to 1800m sense cable, MODBUS);

FG-ALS8: 8 Zones Alarm Locating Unit for water leak detection; FG-ALS8-OD: dedicated panel for oil leak detection;

FG-ALS44 Zones Alarm Locating Unit for water leak detection; FG-ALS4-OD: dedicated panel for oil leak detection;

FG-A Alarm Unit and FG-A-OD alarm unit (for oil leak detection) for leak detection in small area applications.


TTK (Liquid Leak Detection) uses the innovative technology for the oil leak detection sense cables FG-OD, FG-ODC and FG-ODR. These materials allow the sense cable to be fast response, re-usable and perfectly suitable for a humid environment; explosive atmosphere and underground installation.



TTK Liquid Leak Detection Systems are designed for Data Centers (data halls and generator rooms), Critical IT Infrastructures, Commercial and Residential Properties, Oil Pipelines, Hydrocarbon and Petrochemical plants, Bulk Storages and Offshore.


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